Root Zone Enhancement
Certified arborists

Root Zone Enhancement The roots of a tree soak up moisture if the soil is loose and has adequate pore space to do so. If unable to penetrate the surrounding soil the fine absorbing roots will begin to circle the trunk. The trunk is not accustomed to growing under soil. It grows above ground where conditions are dry. But when mulch or dirt is piled around the base of a trunk (this area is called the root collar), it stays moist thereby suffocating cells due to water saturation. As the cells become damaged, they are not able to perform their duties, which include gas exchange and moving carbohydrates (food) through the plant, just to name a few.
Furthermore, this mound allows the tree’s roots to grow around the trunk. As the roots encircle the trunk, they begin girdling it. The girdling action literally strangles the tree and deprives roots and canopy of necessary resources. As the tree declines in health, it becomes more susceptible to attack from insects, diseases, and harmful fungi, which cause further harm.
Soil compaction is a primary cause of tree decline while secondary pests get the blame. The force of compaction causes the soil aggregates to break into smaller particles, reducing the amount of pore space in the soil and increasing the bulk density. The reduced pore space hinders aeration, water infiltration, and root penetration. A lack of soil oxygen and poor water drainage retard root growth, jeopardizing the health of the tree.
To give an analogy, a human with a weak immune system is more vulnerable to catching colds, the flu, and other illnesses. Healthy soil equals healthy trees better able to withstand pests and pathogens
An Air Spade uses great volumes of compressed air to remove and break up soil — even clay — without damaging roots, cables or buried utility lines. Root pruning is done to remove any girdling roots. A prescription blend of amendments (mycorrhizae and special blend fertilizer) is mixed into the soil and covered with mulch. The tree responds to treatment by growing fine feeder roots to better absorb the rich nutrients and water.